SECRETS OF THE OAK WOODLANDSPlants and Animals Among California’s Oaks
This award-winning bestseller will lead you on an exuberant romp through California’s most life-filled ecosystem. With the charm of a storyteller and the accuracy of a scientist, Kate Marianchild profiles the intimate lives of twenty-two animals and plants of California’s oak woodlands. In this book, you will learn about the three eyes of bluebelly lizards, the architectural genius of woodrats, the communal marriages of acorn woodpeckers, and the pollination of manzanita in middle C. (Watercolor illustrations by Ann Meyer Maglinte. Heyday, 2014.)
“A beautiful masterpiece of fine writing alongside deep, skillful research…A classic of California natural history writing.” –– David Lukas, author of Bay Area Birds.
(These are six of the thirty-six watercolors found in the book. All are by Ann Meyer Maglinte.)